
单词 supposal
释义 supposal|səˈpəʊzəl|
Also 4–5 supposaile, 4–6 -ail, 5–7 -all, 6 -ell, 7 -eall.
[a. OF. supposail(l)e, f. supposer to suppose: see -al1 5.]
1. The action of supposing, supposition: esp. in phr. upon supposal (of or that..); also by supposal, upon supposal, as is (or was) supposed, supposedly.
c1380Wyclif Sel. Wks. III. 344 We mai seie bi supposal, þat we gesse þat it is so.1553Act 1 Mary Sess. ii. c. i. §2 Matters of no strengthe or effecte, but onelye by supposall.a1577Sir T. Smith Commw. Eng. iii. ii. (1609) 102 Complaint to the Chancellour vpon supposall of losse, or lacke of euidence.1589Puttenham Engl. Poesie i. xxvi. (Arb.) 66 Praising and commending (by supposall) the good conformities of them both.1592in J. Morris Troubles Cath. Forefathers (1877) 29 It pleased God..that this journey turned her to the restoring of her health, whereas by supposal his [sc. the magistrate's] sending for her was only of purpose that thereby she might have died.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. i. vi. §2 (1622) 41 Vpon supposall, that There is a God.1647Jer. Taylor Lib. Proph. xx. 250 The supposall and pretence of his personall Prerogatives.1691Wood Ath. Oxon. II. 684, I have told you that the said Archb. Williams was, upon supposal, buried at Aberconway.1692Patrick Answ. Touchstone 97 God absolves by his Ministers; who cannot see into men's hearts; and therefore can only pronounce, that he absolves them..upon supposal of their unfeigned Repentance.a1734North Lives (1826) II. 396 The magistrate seizes all..upon supposal of the party's having cheated the state.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) IV. 110 All such relevant articles..as lie within his own custody, power, knowledge, or supposal.1839Sir W. Hamilton Discuss. (1852) 202 There is no possible room for the supposal of any change.
2. An act of supposing; something that is supposed; a supposition, hypothesis; an assumption, conjecture. Now rare.
by supposals: as may be supposed.
1387–8T. Usk Test. Love iii. iii. (Skeat) I. 129, I am comforted bee my supposaile in blisse, and in joy to determine after my desires.1440in Wars Eng. in France (Rolls) II. 459 This supposaille it ne is not greetly to be feered.1511in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. v. 325 There have bene greate variannce now of late..and by supposails in likwise to be in tyme commynge.1593Bilson Govt. Chr. Ch. 239 From this supposall these three conclusions are drawen.1605Verstegan Dec. Intell. i. (1628) 12 As touching their names, of Germans and Almans sundry supposals haue bin made.1644J. Goodwin Innoc. Truimph. (1645) 68 This is but petitio Principii, a supposall of that which is the main Question.1662J. Davies tr. Mandelslo's Trav. 162 Upon a false supposal, that between Indus and Ganges there were thirty degrees, whereas there are scarce ten.1710Lady M. W. Montagu Lett., to Mrs. Hewet (1887) I. 28, I am..in hopes we shall return..the latter end of the year; but all that is supposals, and I have no ground to believe it.1730Fielding Rape upon Rape iii. xi, Mrs. Squeez..I cannot say but I have a generous Pity for any one whom I imagine to be accused wrongfully. Ramble. I am obliged to you indeed, Madam, for that Supposal.1757Warburton Unpubl. Papers (1841) 315 The supposal of another necessarily existent Being is adding to infinitude.1885Academy 25 July 61/3 A..division of categorical judgments into those which involve a supposal and those which do not.1891Hall Caine Scapegoat xiv, The Kaid..according to their supposals, had called on him to correct what he had done amiss.
3. A notion, opinion. Obs.
1589Fleming Virg. Ecl. x. Argt. 29 If we may beleeve the supposall of Servius.1602Shakes. Ham. i. ii. 18 Holding a weake supposall of our worth; Or thinking..Our State to be disioynt, and out of Frame.1612Cotta Disc. Dang. Pract. Phys. ii. i. 76 Methodians..arrogated this name unto them⁓selves in the best sense, as onely in their owne supposall meriting the title of true art and method.
4. A suggestion, proposal. Obs.
1715M. Davies Athen. Brit. I. Pref. 27 A Syncronical half-sheet, stil'd, The Proposal,..the primitive Title is much plainer, thus, The Supposal: Or, A New Scheme of Government.1747Richardson Clarissa I. xxii. 149, I suppose it is the way of this sex to endeavour to entangle the thoughtless of ours, by bold supposals and offers.
5. A statement, allegation (as in a writ or indictment). Cf. suppose v. 11. Obs.
1429Rolls of Parlt. IV. 346/1 That..the partie that seweth have juggement to recovere his dette ayeinst the seide Cominaltes, after the supposell of here Writtes.1531Dial. on Laws Eng. F iv b, Whervpon foloweth a false supposel in the writte, and a false supposell in the declaratyon.1602W. Fulbecke Pandectes 14 An attainder..shal haue relation to the time of the felony done, according to the supposall of the inditement.1651tr. Kitchin's Courts Leet (1653) 477 He need not take traverse that it is not frank fee, for that, that the Writ is but a Supposall.

