
单词 subscript
释义 I. subscript, n. and a.|ˈsʌbskrɪpt|
[ad. L. subscript-us, -a, -um, pa. pple. of subscrībĕre to write underneath, subscribe.]
A. n.
1. That which is written underneath; a writing at the bottom or end of a document, etc.; a signature.
a1704T. Brown Ep. to C. Dives Wks. 1711 IV. 179 By the Subscript, you'll quickly guess The Occasion of this odd Address.1713Bentley Freethinking §37 But be they Postscripts or Subscripts; your Translators neither made them, nor recommended them for Scripture.1815Monthly Mag. XXXIX. 307/2 The subscript, concerning which your correspondent..enquires.1892Blackw. Mag. Sept. 393 Monsieur Daudet hints that his captivating headline had not a little to do with the sale of its subscript.
2. a. A subscript letter or symbol.
1901Mod. Lang. Notes June 323/1 Any of the accented letters, superscripts, subscripts and symbols found in the type-founder's catalogs.
b. Computers. A symbol (notionally written as a subscript but in practice usually not) used in a program, alone or with others, to specify one of the elements of an array.
1957Proc. Western Joint Computer Conf. Feb. 190/1 The programmer may also employ subscripted variables having three independent subscripts.1966R. V. Jamison FORTRAN Programming vi. 83 We cannot write these subscripts in the usual lowercase manner with an actual lowering of the subscript. Instead we write, for example, X(4), X(7) for x4, x7.1973C. W. Gear Introd. Computer Sci. iii. 145 A three-dimensional array..is an array of two-dimensional arrays. It is accessed by specifying three subscripts. Thus, if the array is B, we can refer to B[I, J, K].1982R. S. Forsyth Pascal at Work & Play xii. 172 Execution errors occur when a program attempts something illogical or impossible... Typical examples are division by zero and trying to use a subscript outside the bounds set for the array.1983[see subscripted a.].
B. adj. Written underneath; chiefly in iota subscript (see iota 1), the small ι written underneath in ᾳ, ῃ, ῳ.
1871Wordsworth Gk. Primer 6 The Dative Singular always ends in ι, which, however, is generally subscript.1877Raymond Statist. Mines & Mining 437 The subscript ω denoting that A is taken with reference to water.1881Westcott & Hort Grk. N.T. Introd. §410 Analogy is distinctly in favour of allowing the Iota subscript.1900N. & Q. Ser. ix. VI. 485/2 The subscript cedilla is really a little z.
So ˈsubscripting vbl. n., the action of providing with a subscript or subscripts; the use of subscripts.
1959Communications Assoc. Computing Machinery Feb. 4/1 Unfortunately, many algebraic languages now in use..do not allow subscripting of subscripts.1972Bergmann & Bruckner Introd. Computers & Computer Sci. x. 342 In FORTRAN the subscripting is different; the subscripts run from 1 througn n.1981A. R. Miller BASIC Programs iii. 39 A matrix is referenced by its name, which can be a single alphabetic character, or a string of characters. The indices are given as subscripts except in computer programs, where subscripting is not possible.
II. subscript, v.|ˈsʌbskrɪpt|
[f. subscript n.]
trans. To provide or label with a subscript. Also absol.
1966R. V. Jamison FORTRAN Programming vi. 84 By using one array name and subscripting, we could extend the above X array to X(9999) and have 9999 different variables.1974Nature 18 Oct. 640/2 The RNA in the brackets subscripted with ‘control’ is from the unirradiated culture.1982W. S. Hatcher Logical Found. Math. iv. 109 The reason for subscripting variables under certain conditions as prescribed in part (5) is to avoid ambiguities that would otherwise result.

