“has it that”用法

词组 has it that

■ ... has it that...

这个习惯词组,前面是个无冠词的单数名词,最常见的是 rumor(谣传)、legend(传说)、word(传闻)等,也有其他一些表示信息来源的名词,意思是“有谣传说”之类。

  • Rumor has it that the director is going to resign.谣传主任要辞职了。
  • Legend has it that when the Apostles divided the known world into missionary zones, the Iberian peninsula fell to James.据传说,使徒们把已知的世界划分为若干传教区时,伊比利亚半岛划给了雅各。
  • American agricultural history has it that Louisiana's sugar industry began in 1794, when Etienne de Boré successfully harvested sugar cane there.据美国农业史,路易斯安那地区的制糖工业,发轫于 1794 年埃迁·德·波雷在该地成功收获甘蔗之时。

