例句 GUILTYguilty of doing something bad1 guilty2 someone who is guilty3 to show that someone is guilty4 to deliberately try to make someone seem guilty when they are not5 to officially prove that someone is guiltyto feel guilty6 to feel guilty7 a guilty feeling8 to not feel guilty about something9 to stop yourself feeling guiltyRELATED WORDSsee alsoASHAMEDSORRY/APOLOGIZE1 guilty 有罪的;有错的 guilty /ˈgɪlti/ [adjective] if someone is guilty of a crime, he or she is the person that did it 有罪的 The guilty were each given a life sentence. 每个犯人都被判了无期徒刑。find somebody guilty decide in a law court that someone is guilty 认为某人有罪 The jury found Sewell guilty and he was sent to prison. 陪审团认为休厄尔有罪,把他关进了监狱。guilty of murder/rape/a crime etc A 23-year-old woman was found guilty of murder in the Central Court today. 今天一名23岁的女子在中央法院被判谋杀罪名成立。guilty of doing something Davis was found guilty of abducting and killing Polly Klaas. 戴维斯被判绑架和杀害波莉·克拉斯的罪名成立。plead guilty say in a law court that you are guilty of a crime 〔在法庭上〕认罪 Roberts pleaded guilty to driving without insurance. 罗伯茨供认他的汽车没有购买保险。 responsible /rɪˈspɒnsɪbəl, rɪˈspɒnsəbəlǁrɪˈspɑːn-/ [adjective not before noun] if someone is responsible for a crime, accident, or mistake, they did it or made it happen 负有责任的,应承担责任的 The other driver was responsible for the accident, and he should pay for the damage. 另一个司机对事故负有责任,他应该赔偿损失。responsible for Police believe a local gang is responsible for the recent burglaries. 警方相信最近的这些入室盗窃案是当地的一个犯罪团伙干的。 Mrs Williams says that the hospital was responsible for her husband's death. 威廉姆斯太太说,医院对她丈夫的死负有责任。 culpable /ˈkʌlpəbəl/ [adjective] guilty of causing something bad to happen, especially because you did not do anything to prevent it - used especially in formal or legal contexts 有罪的;应负责任的〔尤因没有阻止不好的事发生;尤用于正式场合或法律方面〕 If people develop smoking-related diseases, are they or the tobacco companies culpable? 如果人们得了抽烟引起的疾病,谁应该负责,他们自己还是烟草公司? Lawyers are debating whether allowing a terminally ill patient to die amounts to culpable homicide a legal decision that someone was criminally guilty of the death. 律师们在争论让晚期病人死亡是不是就等于犯了杀人罪。2 someone who is guilty 有罪或有错的人 culprit /ˈkʌlprɪt, ˈkʌlprət/ [countable noun] someone who has done something wrong, especially a crime 做错事的人;〔尤指〕罪犯 the culprit Some money was taken from my desk yesterday. I think I know who the culprit is. 昨天我放在写字台上的一些钱被人拿了,我想我知道这个小偷是谁。 The police did everything they could to try and track down the culprit, but he was never caught. 警方竭尽所能追捕罪犯,但是始终没有抓到他。 guilty party /ˌgɪlti ˈpɑːʳti/ [noun phrase] formal the person who is considered to be responsible for a crime or for doing something wrong, especially when two people are blaming each other 【正式】有罪的一方;有过错的一方〔尤指两个人在互相指责的时候〕 We think we know who the guilty party is, but we need your help to find the evidence. 我们认为我们知道谁是有罪的一方,但需要你的帮助来找出证据。 It's silly to imagine that one partner in a divorce is completely innocent and that the other is the sole guilty party. 认为离婚事件中一方毫无过错,过错全在于另一方,这是很愚蠢的。3 to show that someone is guilty 表明某人有罪或有错 implicate /ˈɪmplɪkeɪt, ˈɪmpləkeɪt/ [transitive verb] to show or seem to show that someone is involved in something bad or illegal 〔仿佛〕表明有牵连 She is claiming that the police are deliberately trying to implicate her. 她声称警方故意在把她牵连其中。implicate somebody in something New evidence implicates Mr Stapleton and his wife in the blackmail attempt. 新的证据表明斯特普尔顿先生和他的妻子与敲诈案有牵连。 The managing director of the bank was implicated in a fraud scandal. 这家银行的总经理被卷入一桩欺诈丑闻。 incriminating /ɪmˈkrɪmɪneɪtɪŋ, ɪmˈkrɪməneɪtɪŋ/ [adjective] use this about documents, tapes, photographs, statements etc that seem to show that someone is guilty of a crime 〔指文件、磁带、照片、陈述等〕显示有罪的 The killer left an incriminating trail of footprints across the lawn. 凶手在草地上留下了一串可以作为犯罪证据的脚印。 Police found incriminating letters in the suspect's home. 警方在嫌疑犯的家中发现了可以证明他有罪的一些信件。incriminating evidence They tried to dispose of the incriminating evidence by burning all their blood-stained clothes. 他们烧毁所有的血衣,想消灭罪证。 incriminate /ɪnˈkrɪmɪneɪt, ɪnˈkrɪməneɪt/ [transitive verb] to make someone seem guilty of a crime 显示…有罪;牵连 Tape recordings of alleged conversations between the two suspects are unlikely to incriminate them. 据称是两个嫌疑犯之间对话的录音磁带不太可能显示出他们有罪。 These tapes incriminate a number of well-known politicians. 这些录音带把一些知名政治家牵涉在内。4 to deliberately try to make someone seem guilty when they are not 故意使没有罪的人显得有罪 set up also fit up/stitch up British /ˌset ˈʌp, ˌfɪt ˈʌp, ˌstɪtʃ ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb usually in passive] informal to deliberately make it seem that someone is guilty of a crime that they are not really guilty of 【非正式】诬陷,陷害 set up somebody He wasn't guilty of the fraud. He'd been set up by his business rivals. 他没有诈骗,是被商业对手陷害的。set somebody up Cahill has always protested his innocence, and insists that someone set him up. 卡希尔一直声辩自己清白,坚持说有人陷害他。 frame /freɪm/ [transitive verb] to make someone seem guilty of a crime, especially by providing something that seems like proof 诬陷;诬告〔尤指通过提供假的证据〕 That's not my handwriting and it's not my signature! I've been framed. 那不是我的字迹,也不是我的签名!我是被人诬陷的。 Healey agreed to defend two young men, who were being framed in a local murder case. 希利同意为两名青年男子辩护,他们被诬陷卷入当地的一宗谋杀案。frame for The accused told the court that the police tried to frame him for assault. 被告在法庭上说警方想以侵犯人身罪诬陷他。 pin something on /ˈpɪn something ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to say that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong, especially when this is not true 【非正式】〔尤指错误地〕将某事归罪于 The police pinned the murder on two men who were later proved to be innocent. 警方认为这宗凶案是两名男子所为,但后来证明他们无罪。 You're not going to pin it on me! I was a hundred miles away at the time. 这事你别想赖我!我当时还在一百英里之外呢。 plant /plɑːntǁplænt/ [transitive verb] to put something such as illegal drugs or stolen goods into someone's house or into their pocket, in order to make it seem that they are guilty of a crime 栽〔赃〕 The police found the stolen cameras in his flat, but he insisted they had been planted. 警察在他的寓所发现了失窃的相机,但他坚持说有人栽赃。plant something on somebody Someone planted the drugs on her before she left the country. 有人在她出国之前把毒品栽赃给她。5 to officially prove that someone is guilty 正式证明某人有罪 prove somebody guilty /ˌpruːv somebody ˈgɪlti/ [verb phrase] to prove that someone is guilty of a crime 证明某人有罪 Think of all the time they've wasted trying to prove me guilty, while the real killer goes free. 你想想,他们花了那么多时间来证明我有罪,而真正的凶手却逍遥法外。innocent until proven guilty someone cannot be considered guilty until it is officially proved that they are guilty 被证实有罪之前是清白的 It is a basic principle of US law, that a person is innocent until proven guilty. 一个人被证实有罪之前是清白的,这是美国法律的基本原则。 find somebody guilty/convict /ˌfaɪnd somebody ˈgɪlti, kənˈvɪkt/ [verb phrase/transitive verb] if a court of law finds someone guilty or convicts them, they decide that that person is guilty of a crime 判某人有罪 If the jury finds him guilty he will face a maximum sentence of seven years. 如果陪审团定他有罪,他将面临最长七年的徒刑。 No one has yet been convicted of any of the terrorist attacks. 还没有人因这些恐怖袭击被判定有罪。find somebody guilty of something The two men were found guilty of the murder and jailed for life. 这两名男子被判谋杀罪名成立,处以终身监禁。find somebody guilty of doing something He was found guilty of supplying drugs. 他被判提供毒品的罪名成立。convict somebody of something Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? 你有没有被判过刑事罪?convict somebody of doing something All four men were convicted of illegally bringing drugs into the country. 四个人全都因为非法携带毒品入境被判了刑。6 to feel guilty 感到内疚 feel guilty /ˌfiːl ˈgɪlti/ [verb phrase] to feel worried and unhappy because you have done something wrong or because you have upset someone 感到内疚 I felt really guilty after spending all that money. 花完了那些钱之后,我心里十分内疚。 Are you feeling guilty because you didn't help her? 你是因为没有帮助她而感到内疚吗?feel guilty about Ed felt guilty about leaving work so early. 埃德对这么早下班感到内疚。 be/feel ashamed /ˌbiː, ˌfiːl əˈʃeɪmd/ [verb phrase] to feel very guilty and disappointed with yourself because you have done something wrong or behaved in an unpleasant or embarrassing way 感到惭愧 She felt thoroughly ashamed when she remembered how drunk she'd been. 她想起自己醉成那个样子,心里极度惭愧。be/feel ashamed of I feel ashamed of what I did. 我对自己所做的事感到很惭愧。be/feel ashamed to do something I'm ashamed to admit it, but I wasn't really sorry when he died. 我真是羞于承认,他死的时候我不是很难过。 feel bad /ˌfiːl ˈbæd/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to feel very sorry because you have upset someone or done something that you should not have done 【尤口】感到难过〔遗憾〕 We had a long talk about it afterwards and I know she felt bad. 后来我们长谈了一次,我知道她心里很不好受。feel bad that I should have told Helen I was sorry. I feel really bad that I didn't. 我应该跟海伦说对不起的,我非常后悔我没有说。feel bad about I feel bad about what I said. Things haven't been easy for either of us. 我说了那些话心里很难受,事情对我们俩来说都很不容易。feel bad about doing something I feel bad about not going to Debbie's party, but I've just got too much to do. 没有参加黛比的聚会我很不好意思,但我的确有很多事要做。 blame yourself /ˌbleɪm jɔːʳˈself/ [verb phrase] to feel that it was your fault that something bad happened 责怪自己,自责 You mustn't blame yourself. It was an accident. There was nothing you could have done. 你不应该责怪自己,这是一场意外,你没有办法的。blame yourself for Assistant coach Rex Hughes blamed himself for the team's poor performance. 助理教练雷克斯·休斯把球队欠佳的表现归咎于自己。 feel responsible /ˌfiːl rɪˈspɒnsbəlǁ-rɪˈspɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to feel guilty about something bad that has happened even though you did not cause it, especially when you feel you could have prevented it 感到负有责任 I'm sorry it didn't work out. I feel responsible. 对不起,这个事情没有解决。是我不好。feel responsible for For a long time afterwards I felt responsible for his death. 事后有很长时间我都觉得自己对他的死负有责任。 have a guilty conscience /hæv ə ˌgɪlti ˈkɒnʃənsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to feel guilty for a long time and keep thinking about something bad that you have done 感到内疚,心中有愧 I suppose I did have a guilty conscience for a while, but not any more. 我有一阵子确实良心上感到不安,但是现在都过去了。have a guilty conscience about Why is she being so nice to everyone all of a sudden? She's obviously got a guilty conscience about something. 她为什么突然之间对大家都这么好?显然她心里有什么事觉得内疚。 be on somebody's conscience /biː ɒn somebodyˈs ˈkɒnʃənsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] if something bad that you have done is on your conscience, you cannot stop feeling guilty and thinking about it 使某人愧疚〔不安〕 Even if you didn't get caught, the murder would be on your conscience for the rest of your life. 即使你不被抓住,这件凶杀案也会让你的良心一辈子不安。 In the end Martin told his wife about his affair - he just couldn't live with it on his conscience. 最后马丁把自己的婚外情告诉了妻子一他在良心上受不了。7 a guilty feeling 内疚感 guilt /gɪlt/ [uncountable noun] the feeling you have when you have done something that you know is wrong 内疚〔感〕,愧疚 Guilt can be a very destructive emotion. 内疚可以是一种破坏性很强的情绪。feeling of guilt People often have feelings of guilt after a divorce. 人们离婚之后常常有一种内疚感。 shame /ʃeɪm/ [uncountable noun] the guilty feeling that you have when you know that you have behaved badly and lost people's respect 羞愧,羞耻 Voting through cuts in benefits to the poorest people is a matter of shame for all of us. 投票通过削减最贫困人民福利的计划,是我们所有人的羞耻。shame about Too many women are taught to feel guilt or shame about sex. 有太多的女性都受到这样的教育——在性方面要有内疚或者羞愧的感觉。shame at As he left the house, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie. 芒戈离开房子的时候,因为对爱丽丝说了谎而感到一阵羞愧。almost die of shame be very ashamed 羞愧得要命 The next day I remembered how drunk I'd been , and almost died of shame. 第二天我想起自己当时的醉态,羞愧得要命。bring shame on somebody Some girls feel that refusing their parents’ choice of husband will bring shame on their family. 有些女孩认为,在选择丈夫方面抗拒父母之命会使家庭蒙羞。 remorse /rɪˈmɔːʳs/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of being very sorry for something bad that you have done, so that you wish you had not done it 痛悔,悔恨;自责 He admitted killing the man but showed no sign of remorse. 他承认杀了那男人,但没有表示出一点悔恨之意。remorse for She was full of remorse for hurting her family. 她因为伤害了家人而后悔莫及。remorse at Many men are afflicted with guilt and remorse at leaving their wives. 许多男人因为离开妻子感到内疚和悔恨,心里备受折磨。twinge/pang of remorse a small feeling of remorse 一阵懊悔 The woman sounded so nice, McKee felt a twinge of remorse at what he had done to her family. 那女人听上去人很好,麦基为自己对她家所做的一切感到一阵懊悔。 conscience /ˈkɒnʃənsǁˈkɑːn-/ [uncountable noun] a set of feelings that stop you from doing something wrong or that make you feel guilty when you have done something wrong 良心,良知 Her murderer was a psychopath with a total lack of conscience. 杀她的凶手是个毫无良知的精神变态者。twinge/pang of conscience a sudden feeling of guilt 一阵内疚 He was capable of making the most ruthless decisions with no apparent pangs of conscience. 他能作出最残酷的决定,丝毫看不出有良心上的不安。8 to not feel guilty about something 不为某事感到内疚 not feel guilty /nɒt fiːl ˈgɪlti/ [verb phrase not usually in progressive] I made her cry but I don't feel guilty -- she deserved it. 我把她弄哭了,但我并不感到内疚—她活该的。not feel guilty about Working mothers shouldn't feel guilty about wanting a career. 在职妈妈不应该为追求事业而感到内疚。 I don't understand how on earth he can go on lying like that and not feel guilty about it. 我不明白他究竟怎么做得出来,总是这样撒谎,心里也不觉得内疚。 a clear conscience /ə ˌklɪəʳ ˈkɒnʃənsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [noun phrase] if you have a clear conscience, you feel that you have not done anything wrong, so that you do not feel guilty about anything you have done 问心无愧 with a clear conscience You can face Lionel with a clear conscience -- you've done nothing to harm him. 你可以问心无愧地面对莱昂内尔,你没有做过任何伤害他的事。have a clear conscience Let them say whatever they like. I have a clear conscience. 让他们随便说吧,我问心无愧。 have no qualms /ˌhæv nəʊ ˈkwɑːmz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if you have no qualms about doing something, you have no worries or doubts about whether what you are doing is right, even though other people may think it is wrong 没有感到不安〔即使他人认为有错〕 have no qualms about She had no qualms about sending her young children to boarding school. 她把幼小的孩子送到寄宿学校上学,心里没有一丝不安。 Donald had been stealing stationery from work for years and had no qualms about it at all. 几年来唐纳德一直从公司偷文具,但丝毫不觉得愧疚。 have/feel no compunction /hæv, fiːl ˌnəʊ kəmˈpʌŋkʃən/ [verb phrase not in progressive] formal to not feel guilty about doing something, even though other people may think it is wrong 【正式】毫不内疚〔即使他人认为有错〕 I warn you. These people have no compunction whatsoever and cannot be trusted. 我提醒你——这些人毫无悔疚之心,不可以信任。have/feel no compunction about Eliot felt no compunction about living at the expense of his friends. 埃利奥特靠着朋友生活,心里毫无愧意。9 to stop yourself feeling guilty 不让自己感到内疚 salve your conscience /ˌsælv jɔːʳ ˈkɒnʃənsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to try to stop yourself feeling guilty by doing something good or kind 〔指通过做好事〕使自己的良心得到宽慰 She felt guilty and tried to salve her conscience by inviting him out for a meal. 她感到内疚,便请他吃顿饭,想让自己的良心得到宽慰。 Don't think you can salve your consciences by giving us money. We won't forgive you that easily. 别以为给我们钱你的良心就能安宁了,我们不会那么轻易就原谅你的。 clear your conscience /ˌklɪəʳ jɔːʳ ˈkɒnʃənsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to stop yourself feeling guilty by telling someone about something bad that you have done 〔指通过告诉某人自己所做的错事〕消除良心的不安 She decided to clear her conscience and confess everything. 她决定消除良心上的不安,把一切都坦白出来。 He knew he might get into trouble if he went to the police but he had to do it to clear his conscience. 他知道投案自首就会有麻烦,但他必须这么做以消除良心上的不安。

