
Rosalind怎么读: 音标['rɔzәlind]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Rosalind是什么意思

n. 罗莎琳德(女子名)


1. Rosalind, you have to stop doing this.

罗萨琳 你不能再这样了

2. Rosalind's always understood what she was doing.


3. Rosalind is 18, which makes her an *.

罗萨琳已经十八岁了 是成年人了

4. Rosalind, if the friend is a boy, you can say.

罗萨琳 如果你这个朋友是个男生 你可以直说

5. Rosalind, I've got a spin class in half an hour.

罗莎琳 我半个小时后有一节动感单车课

6. Rosalind and I have a club proposal we were hoping to get approved today.

我和罗莎琳德有个社团申请 希望今天就得到审批
