
rowe怎么读: 音标[rәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ rowe是什么意思

n. 罗(姓氏)


1. he would sing row, row, row your boat every night.

他总喜欢唱 Row Row Row you boat这首歌 每晚都唱

2. So I searched the first row and my daughter was on the second row.

于是我去搜第一排 我女儿则去了第二排

3. And then all along its tummy it has rows and rows of little lights there.

在它们的腹部 有一排排的光源

4. It's row after row of circles more more perfect than anything I've ever seen.

全是一排排的圈 比我见过的任何事物都要完美

5. The seventh in the second, the second in the third row, and ninth in the fourth row.

第二行的第七个 第三行的第二个 第四行的第九个

6. Four rows of ten seashells, but one in each row is slightly different.

四行贝壳 每行十个 而每行有一个不太一样

7. I had a full row of teeth behind a second full row of teeth.

我第二排牙齿后面 还有一排牙齿

8. It's a menacing sight, this grey, ghostly remnant of an army, rows and rows of lifesized terracotta soldiers.

这场景气势汹汹 这灰色鬼魅的军队遗迹 一排排真人大小的兵马俑

9. I think it proves if we played this 10,000 times in a row, he would win 10,000 times in a row.

证明如果我们玩10000次的话 他会赢10000次

10. Gerard can't row over there on his own.

