
penalize怎么读: 音标['pi:nәlaiz]
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◎ penalize是什么意思

vt. 处刑, 对...处罚(刑), 使不利
[法] 处罚, 对...处以刑事惩罚

v impose a penalty on; inflict punishment on


1. We shouldn't penalize her for educating our children.


2. Oh, so you agree with them and think that I should be penalized.

所以 你和他们的观点一致 你们都认为我应当受到相应的惩罚

3. With your rules, and your laws, and your penal codes.

规则 法律和刑法典 毁了所有事

4. You'll be locked in detention until you graduate to the penal system.

直到毕业前你都会被放学留堂 毕业后你就直接进局子里了

5. I'm gonna penalize you by adding 10 minutes.

作为对你的处罚 我要再加十分钟

6. The law shouldn't reward or penalize taxpayers for their sex.

法律不应因为性别 而惩罚纳税人

7. It appears we need to rethink our penal system.


8. It lets you leave the show for school without being penalized.

那可以让你离开这部剧去上学 而又免于处罚

9. Violating section 187 of the penal code, a felony.

被告人涉嫌触犯加州刑法 第187条之重罪条款

10. Sorry. It's not good enough for the Illinois penal system.

对不起 伊利诺的监狱系统不够完善
