
tournament怎么读: 音标['tә:nәmәnt]
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◎ tournament是什么意思

n. 比赛, 竞赛, 锦标赛, 联赛

n. a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner
n. a series of jousts between knights contesting for a prize


1. They were just sort of like one off tournaments with a random set of teams that were willing and able to show up and often the whole tournament would be played over the course of a day or two.

就像是个一次性的联赛 随便来了几支队伍 愿意和能够展现自己才能 通常来说整个联赛日程 会持续一到两天

2. You hit him, we're out of the tournament.

你要是动手 我们的参赛资格就作废了

3. These lads aren't here for the tournament.


4. Once a generation, there is a tournament.


5. She has to miss out because of her soccer tournament.


6. They don't care about the tournament or the kids in it.

他们不在乎锦标赛 或者参与的孩子

7. I'm in a hideandseek tournament, and we are in the semis.

我参加了捉迷藏比赛 现在是半决赛

8. We're in the middle of an important tournament.


9. I was invited to a major tournament.


10. So, we shall have a croissant tournament.

