
musket怎么读: 音标['mʌskit]
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◎ musket是什么意思

n. 火枪

n. a muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrel; formerly used by infantrymen


1. Bury the musket in the backyard using a shovel, and make sure that the musket is fully covered with dirt so that it's not sticking out of the ground.

用铲子把火枪埋在后院 确保火枪要完全被泥土覆盖住 这样它就不会露出地面了

2. He has been no friend to the musketeers.


3. Musketeers, how lovely to see you all again.

火枪手们 再见到各位真是太好了

4. But...the musket isn't the most reliable weapon.

但是呢 火枪并不是最精准的武器

5. From this distance, it's more accurate than a musket.

在这个距离 它比火枪准

6. Here, take the musket. I don't want it.

给 拿上火枪 我不想要了

7. "It" being the musket, and "the ground" being the ground.

"它"指的是火枪 "地面"的意思就是地面

8. It simply cannot be reloaded like a musket.


9. But you found me later and made me a musketeer.

但之后你找到了我 并让我成为火枪手

10. Musketeers on the rampage, robbing and murdering.

火枪队四处横行 烧杀抢掠
