
mutism怎么读: 音标['mju:tizm]
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◎ mutism是什么意思

n. 哑, 缄默症
[医] 哑症; 缄默症

n. the condition of being unable or unwilling to speak


1. My working theory is it's an unexplained manifestation of muti*.

我的理论是 这是一例无法解释的缄默症

2. The doctors say it triggered akinetic muti*.


3. If the muti* is physical and not selective, this should enable him to talk, yeah.

如果他是生理上哑了而不是不愿意说话 这个可以帮助他说话

4. Five months isn't an unusual time for this kind of selective muti*.

五个月对于这种选择性缄默症而言 并不算很长时间
