
Marg怎么读: 音标[mɑ:^]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Marg是什么意思

n. <英口> = margarine


1. Marge, I had a lot of calls about you.

马姬 很多客人打电话来跟我说起你

2. Marge, I'm sorry I was proud of myself.

马姬 抱歉我之前不以为耻反以为荣

3. Marge, I'm in the bath. I won't be long.

玛吉 我在洗澡 不会很久的

4. Marge has been telling us about the rings.


5. Marge, there's female intuition and then there are facts.

玛吉 女性的直觉不一定就是事实

6. Marge is wrong and ambition is terrible.

问题出在马姬身上 野心是很可怕的

7. Marge, I've backed you in this from day one.

馬姬 我從第一天開始就在支持你

8. Marge, sweetie, I'm really proud of you.

馬姬 甜心 我很為你驕傲

9. Marge, kids, let's go buy some happiness.

马姬 孩子们 咱们去买好玩的吧

10. Marge, you're never gonna guess what I got you.

马姬 你绝对猜不到我给你买了什么
