
figure怎么读: 音标['figә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ figure是什么意思

n. 数字, 价格, 图形, 形状
vt. 描绘, 表示, 演算, 认为
vi. 计算, 出现, 估计

n. a diagram or picture illustrating textual material
n. a model of a bodily form (especially of a person)
n. a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape
n. an amount of money expressed numerically


1. I'll have to figure it out, but I'll figure it out.

我得想办法过去 不过我一定会去的

2. I'll figure it out. I'll figure it out.

我去弄清楚 我去弄清楚

3. No, we'll figure that out. I'll figure that out.

不 我們會有辦法的 我會有辦法的

4. We're not gonna figure out where they are until we figure out who they are.

不搞清楚他们是谁 是找不到他们的

5. We figure that out, we figure out where they're headed.

查清楚这个 就能搞清她们要去哪

6. You know what? I'll figure it out. I'll figure it out.

没事 我会想办法的 我会想办法的

7. Look, If we can figure out the why, then we'll figure out the where.

如果我们能想出原因 应该就能发现线索

8. At least, until we figure out how to figure out what it is we're dealing with.

至少 在我们想到 怎么弄清楚它的作用之前

9. You're a respected figure in this respected figure .


10. i figure, while i'm here well, you figured wrong.

当我在这里,我打算... 你打算错了
