
twice怎么读: 音标[twais]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ twice是什么意思

adv. 两次, 两倍

r. two times


1. You have to work twice as hard, stay twice as late, to be twice as good.

你就要加倍努力 比别人更晚回去 加倍优秀

2. Essentially, it gets twice thinner, so you make another cut and so on, and then you ask yourself a very simple question how thin you can make graphite by repeating this twice, twice, twice, and so on.

现在自然只有一半厚了 然后再来一遍 一遍遍下去 然后就会有一个非常简单的问题 通过这样重复地让石墨的厚度减半 减半 再减半 不停下去

3. Twice the man I am, and twice the man you are.

他比我好两倍 更是你比不上的

4. Twice the hook, twice the chance for disaster.

抓钩加倍 制造灾难的机会也翻倍

5. As if spending twice the money guaranteed twice the profit.


6. Last week, you fell for it twice. I've fallen for it twice.

上周你被骗了两次 我就被骗了两次了

7. Twice you have brought us to its brink, and twice you have failed.

你两次将我们带到了末日边缘 但你两次都失败了

8. And since you're twice as rich, maybe you can pay me twice as much.

既然你那么有钱 就付我两倍工资吧

9. You wrote the code, agreed, but I offered you partnership twice, and you turned me down twice.

程序是你写的 我同意 但是我两次邀你入伙 你也拒绝我两次

10. Yeah, that's gonna take twice as much wood and twice as long.

