
refloat怎么读: 音标[.ri:'flәut]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ refloat是什么意思

v. (使)再浮起

v. set afloat again


1. Having waited most of the night, in a cloud of mosquitos, for the tide to refloat us, we retraced our steps and suffered more damage in the process.

在蚊子群里面等了一个晚上 等潮汐重新让我们重新浮起来 我们原路返回 并且在途中受到了更多损伤

2. In developed countries it would begin to address our housing and debt crisis and unleash the kind of entrepreneurship needed to refloat our economies.

而在发达国家 这也将有助于缓解房地产与债务危机 从而解放复苏经济所需的创新企业家精神
