
vagaries怎么读: 音标[ˈveɪgəriz]
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◎ vagaries是什么意思

n. 奇想( vagary的名词复数 ); 异想天开; 异常行为; 难以预测的情况

n an unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.)


1. Now, I'm sure that you are no stranger to the vagaries of love.


2. A female soothsayer is inclined to invent all sorts of vagaries.

女性预言家总是会 异想天开

3. The greatest minds in history have been fascinated by the vagaries of behavior.

历史上最伟大的思想家们 都痴迷于行为的变化无常

4. This will serve her well when the vagaries of the law would lead most astray.

这一品格将帮助她达成目的 不受错综复杂的法律条文干扰

5. I thought we would have lunch together and talk over the vagaries of this capricious calling.

我想不如我们一起共进午餐 聊聊这份反复无常的天职的种种奇事

6. Something tells me this isn't the first time you've navigated the vagaries of male tradition.

我觉得这不是你第一次 利用怪异的男性传统

7. I just thought, I was driving past, better to let you have it in person, than the vagaries of the post.

我开车经过 想着最好亲自交给你 快递不知道什么时候能到

8. You took the time to meditate on the vagaries of life, you'd come to realize that a woman with a measuring tape is money in my pocket.

你如果花点时间去琢磨生活的莫测 你就会明白 拿着卷尺的那女士 就是我的钱袋
