
bluff怎么读: 音标[blʌf]
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◎ bluff是什么意思

n. 断崖, 绝壁, 吓唬
a. 直率的
v. 吓唬, 欺骗

n. a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)
n. pretense that your position is stronger than it really is
n. the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cards
v. deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning hand


1. They say they don't bluff, but that's just part of the bluff.

他们这么说 但这也是唬你

2. I checked the perimeter from that bluff.


3. We are not done! I'm calling your bluff.

不 还不够! 我竟然被你给骗了!

4. You called our bluff on your boyfriend.


5. And so she called my bluff and went.

她说那你就别去 然后自己去了

6. A bluff this size is above your pay grade.


7. Could be a bluff, but we should err on the side of caution.

可能只是虚张声势 但我们宁可谨慎也不能冒险

8. He just pushed in all his chips. It's a bluff.

他这是孤注一掷 唬人而已

9. It's no bluff. I got word this morning.

不是虚张声势 我今早得到消息

10. This hand's too good to waste on a bluff.

我这把牌太好了 用不着虚张声势
