
meridian怎么读: 音标[mә'ridiәn]
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◎ meridian是什么意思

n. 子午线, 经线, 顶点
a. 子午线的, 最高点的, 顶点的

n. a town in eastern Mississippi
n. an imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the north and south poles at right angles to the equator
a. of or happening at noon


1. Sorry to interrupt the rebalancing of your lower body meridians.


2. The inflamed bee stings were all in line with the body's meridian, on acupuncture points.

发炎的蛰伤排成一线 与身体的脉络相符 也就是针灸穴位

3. Every time you feel anxious, just tap along these meridians.

每次你焦虑的时候 轻轻拍打这些经脉
