
disadvantage怎么读: 音标[.disәd'vɑ:ntidʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ disadvantage是什么意思

n. 缺点, 不利, 坏处

n. the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position
v. put at a disadvantage; hinder, harm


1. I mean, if you want to correct based on disadvantaged backgrounds, that's fine, but there are also disadvantaged white people as well.

如果想对 不利的背景进行修正 没问题 但是也有处于劣势的白人

2. So, it's not as if you're removing the disadvantage.

所以 这并没有消除不利因素

3. Without them, he should be at a disadvantage.

没有阴影 他应该就没有优势了

4. Flint is on his own out there and disadvantaged.

弗林特是孤身一人 情况对他不利

5. I'm sorry, you have me at a disadvantage.

对不起 你这是突袭我了

6. We are working at a major disadvantage.


7. In other words, to help the disadvantaged.

换句话说 去帮助那些弱势群体

8. Some say squads are at a disadvantage if they don't.

听说拉拉队不这么做的话 会处于劣势
