
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Lennie是什么意思

n. (Lennie)人名;(意、西)伦涅;(英)伦尼


1. Lenny said not to come, but I had to know.

莱尼要我不要来 但我必须弄清楚

2. Lenny's temperature and heart rate are climbing.


3. Lenny, we're gonna try to override that lockdown.

兰尼 我们会想办法解除封闭

4. Lenny, I noticed on the playback you're clutching your side.

兰尼 回放的时候我注意到 你紧紧捂着身侧

5. He was so hot. he looked like lenny kravitz.

他很性感 有点像兰尼·克拉维兹

6. Lenny was laundering money through the dealership drug money.

雷尼通过代理商洗钱 是贩毒的钱

7. Lenny is not the kind of guy that's gonna give it to you if you ask him.

Lenny不是那种 你要他就给的家伙

8. Lenny, you'll need to be awake in order to assist as your own nurse.

兰尼 你必须保持清醒做自己的*

9. Lenny, you can now retract the ribs and tissue.

兰尼 你现在可以拉开肋骨和组织了

10. Lenny has barely begun and already they're abandoning him in droves.

莱尼才刚刚开始 他们就已经成群结队地放弃他了
