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◎ captaincy是什么意思

n. 舰长的职位, 大将的才略, 舰长的衔头

n the post of captain


1. Flint, his captaincy, I had an interest.

弗林特的船长位置 也与我利益相关

2. It would have cost me their trust and then the captaincy.

那我会失去他们的信任 和船长的位置

3. Captaincy 101: know when you've been outjurisdictioned.

队长培训第一条 没有管辖权了就放手

4. I think you intend to reclaim your captaincy.


5. You cannot imagine what I've sacrificed to gain this captaincy.


6. I'm afraid I can't recommend you for the captaincy up north.


7. Two days to a captaincy or rot out here in this hellhole.


8. Two hundred pounds and a captaincy for you if you find her for me.

找到她给你二百磅 再升做上尉

9. I may have lost the only person in the world I cared for to gain this captaincy.

我也许失去了 我在这世上唯一在意的人

10. Before you know it, half a dozen men will have laid claim to the captaincy.

不知不觉间 就会有好几个人宣称自己能当船长
