
governor怎么读: 音标['gʌvәnә]
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◎ governor是什么意思

n. (美)州长, (英)总督, 统治者, 管理者, 理事
[医] 节制器, 调节器

n. the head of a state government
n. a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)


1. Okay, I have business with the governor's office, and their lead attorney is the governor's wife.

好 我跟州长办公室有生意往来 他们的首席律师是州长夫人

2. At 3:30 today, I informed the lieutenant governor that I am resigning the office of governor of Illinois.

三点三十分的时候 我跟副州长说 我将辞去伊利诺伊州州长这一职务

3. Even if somebody wanted to move against the governor's caravan, they wouldn't know where to find the governor's caravan.

即使有人想要攻击总督的队伍 他们也不可能知道队伍在哪

4. but the mayor and the governor are both out there.


5. I've been doing it since he was governor.

從他還在做州長時 我就開始簽了

6. We'd have to rework it for the governor.


7. And I could have gone to the governor himself.


8. And when I am done, you won't be governor.

等我做到的时候 你就不是州长了

9. It is to your benefit to have me as governor.


10. My brand? I wouldn't be governor anything.

我的名声 我本不会成为州长什么的
