
cancerous怎么读: 音标['kænsәrәs]
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◎ cancerous是什么意思

a. 癌的, 似癌的, 生癌的
[医] 癌性的

s. relating to or affected with cancer
s. like a cancer; an evil that grows and spreads


1. It protects you against a number of cancers, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer.

避孕药能降低多种癌症风险 比如卵巢癌 子宫内膜癌 直肠癌

2. Colon cancer is now the second biggest cancer killer after lung cancer.

结肠癌仅次于肺癌 成为第二大致命癌症

3. And there's no point in being mad at cancer for being cancer.

因为患了癌症而生气 也是毫无意义的

4. Not because of the cancer, but because of the medicine that kills the cancer.

不是因为癌症 是因为杀死癌症的药物

5. Cancer's *ing cancer, you can't help that.

但癌症就是癌症 你无能为力

6. The dermy did call it a cancer, but it's not, like, cancer.

皮肤科医生确实叫它癌症 但不是恶性的那种

7. I'm not the cancer doctor who's lying about the cancer dinner.


8. from breast cancer. I got you through breast cancer.

从乳癌康复 是我让你从乳癌康复

9. To deliver the cancer drugs specifically to the cancer cells.


10. I am happy for those cancer people, but this wasn't a *ing cancer party.

我为那些癌症患者感到高兴 但这不是癌症派对
