
recipe怎么读: 音标['resipi]
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◎ recipe是什么意思

n. 食谱, 处方, 秘诀
[医] 取(处方头语), 处方

n. directions for making something


1. Funny enough, when we started researching where our recipes came from and the stuff that we call heritage recipes back home, a lot of them have their roots here and it's just stuff we've brought over and we've changed over the years.

很有趣 我们开始研究 我们菜谱的来源 即祖传菜谱的源头时 发现很多菜谱都是从这里发源的 只是在岁月变迁中被我们带去美国 做出了改变

2. Well, it should be. It's your recipe.

当然 这是照你的菜谱做的

3. It's not the same recipe. I should warn you.

不是一样的菜谱 提前警告你

4. That means more to me than any recipe.

这对我来说 比任何食谱都更有意义

5. Then, the star of the recipe, lavender.

接下来加入食谱的主角 薰衣草

6. I've heard that she steals her recipes.


7. And you can't improve recipes like that.


8. They're both from an old family recipe.


9. If that recipe hadn't been successful, there would be no winery at all.

如果那个配方不成功 就不会有后来的酿酒厂了

10. All of these ingredients are from my greatgrandmother's recipe.

