
broken怎么读: 音标['brәukәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ broken是什么意思

a. 坏掉的, 打破的, 断掉的

a. physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split
a. not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly
s. subdued or brought low in condition or status
a. (especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded


1. Bruised ribs, broken wrist, broken arm, broken foot, and burns.

肋骨淤青 手腕 手臂和足部骨折 以及多处烧伤

2. A broken piece of him on a broken piece of her.


3. Your leg is broken? It's definitely broken.

你把腿摔断了 绝对摔断了

4. That would imply that I was broken, and I'm definitely not broken.

那样就意味着我坏了 而我绝对没有坏

5. You were simply a broken man who did not know he was broken.

你不过就是个有残缺的人 却对此毫不知情

6. A broken knee is nothing on a broken heart.


7. The broken sword to rule the broken kingdom.


8. The broken take better care of the broken.


9. That those of us who are broken and this country that is broken heal together.

让那些经历了国破家亡的人们 共同恢复

10. after your heart was so broken that you thought it could never get any more broken.

可你的心明明已经碎得那么彻底 你以为它不会再碎了
