
turpentine怎么读: 音标['tә:pәntain]
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◎ turpentine是什么意思

n. 松脂, 松木油, 松节油
vt. 涂以松节油

n. obtained from conifers (especially pines)
n. volatile liquid distilled from turpentine oleoresin; used as paint thinner and solvent and medicinally


1. Don't need to, I'll just bring the turpentine to you.

不需要 我给你们带过去

2. I heard they had to use turpentine to unstick it.


3. When they've drunk the house dry, turpentine, all sorts.

因为酒都喝光了 就喝起了松脂什么的

4. Turpentine really is a painter's best friend.


5. Our forests yield 200 barrels of turpentine monthly.


6. The liquid in that girl's pouch was saline solution, paint thinner, turpentine.

那个女孩假肚子里的液体是生理盐水 涂料稀释剂和松脂

7. Whether you do it with a 1,000pound bomb or with a can of turpentine and a power drill, it's all about being spectacular.

不管你是用900斤的炸弹 还是一罐松节油加一把手电钻 关键是行事一定要大张旗鼓

8. Calomel is of little use, but I will allow a tincture of turpentine and opium should she need it.

甘汞没什么用 但如果她需要 可以用一酊松节油和鸦片
