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◎ barr是什么意思

abbr. 翻转形态(Bump and Run Reversal)


1. It has mirrors all over and a barre.

里面有很多镜子 还有横杆

2. When I'm behind you at barre, I can't focus on the music.

练习的时候我站在你身后 根本没法专心听音乐

3. If I called your number, you'll be staying to work at the barre.


4. Shove in two at a time or you'll never make it through the barre.

一次塞两根吧 否则一会儿没法上杠

5. Let's start with some work at the barre, because we've got a lot to do in two weeks.

我们先从扶手杠练起 我们这两周的任务很重

6. Barr told me to sedate him so that he could pack the bleeding artery deep in his leg.

Barr让我给他打镇静剂 好让他把出血的动脉塞进腿的深处
