
lacey怎么读: 音标['leisi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ lacey是什么意思

a. 花边的


1. Lacey, I'm so sorry. I was desperate.

蕾西 对不起 我没别的办法了

2. Lacey, I'm sorry I pointed at you in anger.

蕾西 非常抱歉我上火后那样指着你

3. Lacey, you're making a mockery of weddings.

蕾西 你这是在嘲笑所有婚礼

4. Lacey, your mom's a pain in the ass.

蕾西 *妈是你的眼中之钉

5. Lacey, a girl from this town was murdered.

莱西 这个小镇里的一个女孩被谋杀了

6. Lacey, it took me five months to get her here.

蕾西 我花了五个月的时间才请她过来

7. Lacey, there is nothing more important tonight than me hearing your story.

蕾西 今晚没有什么事情 比听你讲故事更重要

8. Lacey, it's clear that you're still really angry at this guy.

蕾西 很显然你还在生他的气

9. Lacey, please, I don't want to start my relationship with your parents by lying.

蕾西 我不想刚和你父母接触 就开始撒谎
