
bareness怎么读: 音标['bєәnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ bareness是什么意思

n. 赤裸, 裸露

n. the state of being unclothed and exposed (especially of a part of the body)
n. an extreme lack of furnishings or ornamentation


1. No, see, if I'm barely your cousin, then he's barely your grandpa.

不 如果我算不上你堂妹 那他也算不上你爷爷

2. That's not why I've barely seen you.


3. Until she couldn't could barely walk.

直到她不行了 走路都困难

4. I'm I'm barely holding on here as it is.

我 我现在是勉强坚持着

5. We're barely getting by with what we have.


6. What are you doing here? I barely moved.

你来干什么 我都没发出什么动静

7. You could barely be in the same room.


8. I'm not sure about it. I barely know her.

这不好吧 我们都不熟

9. What did you talk about? I barely remember.

你们谈的是什么事 我不记得了

10. We barely know what to say to each other.

