
sorcery怎么读: 音标['sɒ:sәri]
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◎ sorcery是什么意思

n. 巫术, 魔术
[法] 巫术

n. the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world


1. But he's a man of science, not sorcery.

但他是个科学家 不是巫师

2. ...Interrupt my sorcery, at least I should be amused.

你要打断我的魔法 最起码要逗我开心

3. No, I don't think it's witchcraft, mulder, or sorcery.

我不认为这是巫术 巫师之类的 穆德

4. Considering that he was known to practise sorcery.


5. Wherever the pursuit of sorcery takes him.


6. Before your king declared war on sorcery.


7. A woman so brazen must be capable of sorcery.

如此大胆的女人 必然能施巫术

8. I can't tell the king it's caused by sorcery until I am certain.

没十足把握之前 我不能告诉国王是魔法作怪

9. Gaius, you have long been my ally in the war against sorcery.


10. If sorcery is at work here, we must act quickly.

如果有魔法 我们必须加快行动
