
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ lunging是什么意思


v make a thrusting forward movement


1. He lunged for my jugular, I lunged for his.

他扑过来掐我脖子 我也掐住他的

2. It's leg day, so I was gonna do squats and goblet squats and lunges, reverse lunges, anything to wake up those gluteus maximuses.

今天要练腿 所以我要做些深蹲 和持式跨蹲 还有箭步蹲 反向箭步蹲 练练我的臀大鸡

3. Because your lung cells have these hairs, these cilia, in them, that act as kind of brooms, and sweep all the gunk and all the phlegm along so that you can cough it all out of your lungs.

因为肺细胞上有这种纤毛 它们像扫帚一样 把所有的痰 和黏性物质扫走 这样你才能把它们从肺里咳出来

4. It's here in the lung. It's a locket.

它在肺里 是一个小盒式吊坠

5. But the lungs could lead to somewhere that is.


6. That's a problem with her lungs, not her heart.

那是肺有问题 不是心脏

7. It's not his heart and lungs I'm worried about.


8. I don't care where they found those lungs.


9. So it's putting a strain on her lungs.


10. Once the lungs were ready, they had to be transplanted.

