
rubella怎么读: 音标[ru:'belә]
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◎ rubella是什么意思

n. 风疹
[医] 风疹

n a contagious viral disease that is a milder form of measles lasting three or four days; can be damaging to a fetus during the first trimester


1. You're going to need a rubella and a heptavax.


2. His other son just lost his wife to rubella.


3. It's a harbinger of infections to come measles, mumps, rubella, the flu.

是大批传染病即将来袭的前兆 麻疹 腮腺炎 风疹 流感

4. She suffers from what doctors call a constellation of birth defects, the result of fetal rubella.

医生说她身患 多种出生缺陷 是胎儿风疹导致的

5. Now, the buck stops with the minister, it always does, but privately he tells me he thought he was signing the contract for rubella.

现在部长承担了责任 当然如此 但他私底下跟我说 他以为这份合同是风疹疫苗的
