
gratuity怎么读: 音标[grә'tju:iti]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ gratuity是什么意思

n. 小费, 赠物, 赏钱
[经] 小帐, 赏金, 退职金

n. a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
n. an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation


1. Well, surprise, surprise, he didn't leave a gratuity.

真是令人惊讶 他居然没留小费

2. So with a party of six or more, we usually add on an 18% gratuity to the bill.

六个人以上的派对 我们通常要加18%的服务费

3. My rate's... $30 per drug, per run, plus gratuity.

正常费用每种药物每趟收取30美元 小费另算

4. I think I deserve a little gratuity for making sure that your farmers don't die of malaria and waxy eye disease.

我觉得我确实值得拿点小费 让你们的农民不会因疟疾和蜡状眼病死去

5. Suppose you're a waiter, you earn a pittance, but with my *all gratuity and that of others like me you go some way towards making ends meet.

假设你是一个侍者 工资微薄 但是有了像我这样的人所给的小额赏钱 你在某种程度上实现了收支平衡
