
browbeat怎么读: 音标['brajbi:t]
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◎ browbeat是什么意思

vt. 对...吹胡子瞪眼睛, 吓唬

v. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate


1. Because you browbeat patients, intimidate them, lie to them.

平时你对病人连恐吓带威胁 还满嘴谎话

2. You'd browbeat them until they made the choice you knew was right.

你会恐吓他们 直到他们作出你认为对的选择

3. 14 hours of browbeating until my client couldn't take it anymore.

你们连续十四小时恐吓我的委托人 直到他不堪重负

4. You bully and browbeat me, then ask me to save your human soul.

你威胁恐吓我 然后求我帮你变*类

5. what I was going through? I needed the time I needed time I knew you wouldn't allow without browbeating me somehow into pledging my loyalty.

还是拒接我的电话之后 我需要时间考虑 而我知道你非得想办法逼我宣誓效忠 才肯给我时间考虑
