
jockstrap怎么读: 音标['dʒɒkstræp]
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◎ jockstrap是什么意思

n. 下体弹力护身

n a support for the genitals worn by men engaging in strenuous exercise


1. I guess they gave up on their jockstrap tequila.


2. backstrapping, jockstrapping, cokewrapping, and all that bollocks.

什么一层卷 护档卷 什么混可卡因卷 都是扯淡

3. I feel like I'm wearing a cheese grater for a jockstrap.


4. It's really fun when you're the catcher, except you're the only kid on the team that has to wear a jockstrap.

当接球手真的很好玩 但整支队只有接球手 必须穿护裆

5. Oh, right, because I totally make all my decisions based off of what some roidedout jockstrap has to say.

是啊 因为我的所有决定都是 看一个肌肉发达的运动员的脸色

6. Basically, a medieval jockstrap made out of super scratchy sackcloth that digs into your skin and lacerates your genitals 24/7.

就是中世纪护裆 用搔人的粗麻布做的 刺入你的皮肤 24小时不间断划破你的生殖器
