
winston怎么读: 音标['winstәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ winston是什么意思

n. 温斯顿(姓氏, 男子名)


1. Winston, you're a groom*an and a bride*an.

溫斯頓 你既是伴郎又是伴娘

2. Winston, the writing is on the wall.

温斯顿 此事已不可逆转了

3. Winston, you're supposed to be my friend.

温斯顿 我可把你当朋友

4. Winston, I'm worried about you marrying her.

温斯顿 我很担心你要娶她

5. Winston, those shoes are not brown they're green.

温斯顿 这双鞋子不是褐色的 是绿色的

6. Winston, you don't have to prank the wedding anymore.

溫斯頓 你不用在婚禮上惡作劇了

7. Winston, I think we should postpone our annulment.

温斯顿 我想我们应该推迟离婚

8. Winston, she's been sitting down this whole time.

温斯顿 她一直坐在这儿

9. Winston has told me himself, he has made a deal.

温斯顿亲口告诉我 他做成了一笔交易

10. Winston should have made a sufficient recovery.

