
dialogic怎么读: 音标[,daiә'lɔdʒik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ dialogic是什么意思

a. 对话的, 问答体的


1. That is why I'm so pleased we're opening a dialog between our countries.

所以我十分满意 我们两国之间将开放对话

2. Most magicians working today aren't having a real dialog with the audience.

如今大部分的魔术师在表演的时候 都不太会与观众有对话互动

3. It just doesn't seem like a good place to start a dialog.


4. In the last two years, we're seeing people say things in dialog that was intended for the show.

在过去两年中 常见到人们在对话中 硬生生地给植入了广告

5. I shot roughly six lines of dialog a day from hundreds of angles, and many, many takes.

哥一天要从几百个角度拍摄六段对白 而且还会重拍很多很多次
