
alms怎么读: 音标[ɑ:mz]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ alms是什么意思

n. 施舍, 救济金, 救济品

n. money or goods contributed to the poor


1. Alms for the poor, to salve thy conscience.

救济穷人 安抚自己的良心

2. Christ came upon a beggar who had thrice been denied alms.


3. After she's interned, you may take some alms to she who was the wise woman of this village.

关押她后 拿点救济金给 这个村子里那个聪明的女人

4. I should have followed my instincts and broken open the alms box and then spent all the money on a good plastic surgeon.

我就應該砸開教堂門口的施捨箱的 然後用那些錢好好做個整容手術

5. She will tell me that I will be bored but I shall tell her about my plans for alms houses, and demonstrate my concern for the plight of the common man.

她肯定会说我会很快厌烦 但我要跟她说说我对救济院的计划 并证明我对百姓困苦的忧虑之心
