
merriment怎么读: 音标['merimәnt]
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◎ merriment是什么意思

n. 欢喜, 嬉戏

n a gay feeling
n activities that are enjoyable or amusing


1. The only thing a clown will stab you with is joy and merriment.

小丑能给我们带来的 只有喜悦和欢乐

2. He feels deeply, I believe, and yet has a natural merriment and energy,despite all this.

我相信他有很深的情感 除了这些 他还精力充沛 乐观向上

3. He's certainiy given us plenty of merriment, that's for sure, and I think it would be ungrateful not to drink to his health.

当然 他也给过我们许多欢乐的时光 如果不举杯祝他身体康健就太忘恩负义了

4. I just try to make my home a place of merriment and hospitality, and yet no one wants to stay and watch the show.

我只是想让我的家 变成一个充满热情和欢笑的地方 但是没有人想要留下来观看演出
