
wader怎么读: 音标['weidә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ wader是什么意思

n. 涉水者, 涉禽, 高统防水长靴

n any of many long-legged birds that wade in water in search of food


1. He's the one who jumped headlong into this shitstorm with no waders.


2. So we'll need waders and camouflage fishing vests.


3. Uh, yes, ma'am, the line, leader, tippet and waders.

拿上了 钓线 渔网 饵线还有防水靴

4. The waders will help us to safely traverse the terrain.


5. I'm not wearing waders as shoes just cos some designer twat's been fishing.

我是不会因为某些*设计师 最近爱钓鱼就把防水胶靴穿出去的

6. Ok. I just so happen to have a pair of chartreuse waders I never get to wear.

没问题 我正好有双 黄绿高筒防水靴没来得及穿呢

7. Yeah, I didn't bring a shotgun, but I thought about you ahead of time; we got you some waders right over there.

我没带猎枪 但我之前想到了你的情况 给你准备了一套防水连靴裤
