
thermodynamics怎么读: 音标[.θә:mәudai'næmiks]
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◎ thermodynamics是什么意思

n. 热力学
[化] 热力学

n. the branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy


1. It's the basis of thermodynamics I'm questioning.


2. But it violates the first law of thermodynamics.


3. The laws of thermodynamics are observable and provable.


4. But we can't really be ignoring the, uh, the second law of thermodynamics here.

但是我们不能无视 热力学第二定律

5. Josh, you have ears that work and a brain that understands thermodynamics.

乔希 你有好使的耳朵 也有能理解热力学的大脑

6. It's the thermodynamic measure of the degradation of matter and energy in the universe.

在热力学中它被用来量度 宇宙中物质和能量的衰减

7. And human beings are lazy by nature, that's the second principle of thermodynamics.

而且人类天生就很懒惰 这是热力学第二定律

8. He can't balance an egg on a spoon, much less opposing thermodynamic forces.

他连用勺子端鸡蛋都不会 更不用说研究热力学了

9. We know from thermodynamics that any energy usage that does useful work produces waste heat.

热力学告诉我们 任何能量的使用 都会产生余热

10. I think we're looking at the waste heat, which means the laws of thermodynamics still hold.

我觉得我们看到的是余热 这表示热学定理仍然适用
