
sim怎么读: 音标[sim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sim是什么意思

abbr. 用户身份识别卡(subscriber identity module);工业管理学院(School of Industrial Management);科学仪表舱(Scientific Instrument Module);模拟计算机索引法(Simulated Machine Indexing)


1. It's my sim card. I threw out my sim card.

我的电话卡 我扔了我的电话卡

2. Not a threat but a warning about the sim.

那不是威胁 而是关于模拟系统的警告

3. Better than anything we ever simmed against.


4. Even in a sim my powers are out of control.

即使在模拟器里 我也控制不了自己的能力

5. something the sim just can't create by itself.


6. Not from the sim card if it's damaged the way you say it is.

如果手机卡毁成了你说的那个样子 不能

7. and that emily sim was conceived as a result of those experiments.

我认为艾蜜莉 是实验的产物

8. Because a few hours ago, we were in reality, and we were working on a sim.

因为几小时以前我们身处现实之中 研究模拟情境

9. Sim doesn't have the money to send her and he needed equipment.

西姆没有钱送她去 他需要演出的设备

10. Sim, I told you. I wanted to hear the singer.

西姆 我跟你说了 我想听一下歌手
