
yummy怎么读: 音标['jʌmi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ yummy是什么意思

a. 美味的, 可口的, 赏心悦目的, 愉快的

s extremely pleasing to the sense of taste


1. But out here on the waves, I no longer crave the sweet, warm, soothing flavors of yummy, yummy rummy.

但航行在海上 我已经不再需要 这个香甜 温暖 能抚慰人心的美味

2. And you know what, it's worth it because that is yummy.

你知道吗 它值这个价因为太好吃了

3. When I bite all y'alls yummy heads off.


4. Come on, have a drink with me. It's really yummy.

来嘛 陪我喝一杯 真的很好喝

5. Even if you had yummy candy, I would not get in your van.

就算你有好吃的糖果 我也不会跟你去看金鱼

6. We'll see who's laughing when I bite your yummy head off.

等我把你美味的头给吃了 看是谁笑谁

7. Yummy as the bartering of bleeding teenage lovers.


8. I found some yummy almond cookies in the cupboard.


9. Just the yummy orange kind that you like.


10. I think there's something super yummy in the other room.

