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◎ searchable是什么意思

[计] 可检索的

a. Capable of being searched.


1. And it would have been digitally searchable, and that is the point.

不过那样一来就可以进行数据检索了 关键就在这里

2. Dating sites are as searchable as databases get.


3. Foster care records locked, loaded, and searchable.

寄养记录锁定 加载 找到了

4. We just need a web portal to catalogue it, make it searchable.

我们只需要一个门户网站 将情报分类 使其可以检索

5. It's a search algorithm, basically indexing the web, making it searchable.

是一个搜索算法 基本上索引了网络 让它可搜索

6. Rover has enough runway to rework their core technology and index the entire web, make it searchable.

流浪者有足够的空间重组他们的核心技术 并给整个网络做索引 供人搜索
