
coexistent怎么读: 音标[kәuig'zistәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ coexistent是什么意思

a. 同时共存的, 和平共处的

s. existing at the same time


1. They can't coexist, they can't let the other survive.

她们不能共存 她们不能让另一方生存下去

2. If we all understand the rules, then we can coexist.

如果大家都理解这些规矩 就能和平共存

3. By my estimation, we not only coexist we depend on each other to survive.

在我看来 我们不仅仅是共生 而是需要靠对方才能存活

4. But I'm just not sure that they can or should coexist.


5. For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things.


6. If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball.

只有相互配合 才能共存

7. Her aim is to show them that coexistence is possible.

她的目的是让他们看到 共存是可能的

8. Coexistence between people and lions is possible.


9. He's not only proof that coexistence is possible, he is the key to it.

他不仅是*可共生的证明 同样也是共生的关键所在

10. Balance is key for both species to coexist.

