
lag怎么读: 音标[læg]
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◎ lag是什么意思

n. 落后, 囚犯, 迟延, 桶板, 防护套
a. 最后的
vi. 落后, 蹒跚, 缓缓而行, 滞后
vt. 落后于, 押往监狱, 加上外套
[计] 延迟; 落后

v. hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
v. throw or pitch at a mark, as with coins
v. cover with lagging to prevent heat loss


1. Just saw attempting to reconnect and teams lagged out, players lagged out and everyone's kind of up in arms.

就看到 正在尝试重新连接 队伍掉线 玩家掉线 所有选手都举起手问

2. My laptop's so fast, it doesn't lag at all.

我电脑可快了 完全没有延时

3. There's been some lag, but I think he's on the bike.

信号有点延迟 不过我觉得他是在骑车

4. You're right the rest of the crew is lagging.

你说得对 其他船员干活都太磨蹭了

5. Jet lag's not caused by lack of sleep.


6. If they dinna stop, we'll be lagging behind for months.

如果他们不停下 我们将落后几个月

7. Those bars were secured with grade5 lag bolts.


8. This situation doesn't just happen in jet lag.


9. What you are living we call social jet lag.


10. No, man. It's probably just jet lag.

不 兄弟 可能只是时差
