
ambulatory怎么读: 音标['æmbjulәtәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ ambulatory是什么意思

a. 步行的, 走动的, 流动的, 非固定的
n. 回廊

n. a covered walkway (as in a cloister)
a. relating to or adapted for walking


1. I mean, he's a moron, but he was ambulatory.

他是个* 但他还能走

2. She could bandage herself and still be ambulatory.

她可以给自己包扎 还可以有移动性

3. Some days, I don't understand how you're still ambulatory.


4. You said that he'd be, whatchamacallit, ambulatory by now.

你之前说 到现在他应该可以下床了

5. You know, figured it would be cruel to show him how ambulatory I am.

感覺讓他看到我那么矯健 有點太殘忍了些

6. Unfortunately, there's no reliable information as to how he could have become ambulatory.

然而 至于他的行动能力究竟如何 目前尚无可靠消息

7. They discovered when they pulled your records that you're deficient in ambulatory medicine.

他们在调取你的档案是发现 你的问诊坐诊次数不够

8. So, now, I get to fulfill my lifelong dream and make a difference to the ambulatory.

这下我能完成我的人生梦想了 还能帮助那些病人

9. We cleared the ambulatory patients, but moving the bedbound is going to take more time than we have.

我们疏散了可以走动的病人 但是转移卧床的病人需要花更多的时间

10. Ziggy is now fully ambulatory, paralysis is completely reversed and, in fact, this morning he was literally swinging from the chandeliers.

现在齐格已经痊愈 瘫痪完全消失 事实上 今早 它还吊在吊灯上荡来荡去呢
