
inexpressible怎么读: 音标[.inik'spresәbl]
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◎ inexpressible是什么意思

a. 不能用语言表达的, 不可言传的, 不可名状的

a. defying expression


1. If you fail, you will die in inexpressible pain.

如果你们失败了 将被处以极刑

2. I don't think I have to tell you how inexpressive 11yearold boys can be.

应该不用我告诉你 11岁的男孩子有多不愿意说话吧

3. Due to our limited facial gestures and intonations, our manneri*s can seem inexpressive, leaving them open to misinterpretation.

由于我们的面部表情和语调有限 我们的言谈举止看起来缺乏感情 有时会引起误会
