
case怎么读: 音标[keis]
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◎ case是什么意思

n. 情形, 情况, 箱, 容器, 事实, 病例, 案例, 框子
vt. 装箱, 包盖

n. an occurrence of something
n. the actual state of things
n. a portable container for carrying several objects
n. a person requiring professional services


1. Well, in that case... In that case, this case.

既然这样 既然这样 这个箱子

2. In case of what? In case I'm not there.

以防万一什么 以防万一我不在

3. That is not the case, that is not the case.

事实并非如此 事实并不是这样

4. This balance that we've struck my cases, your cases, our cases.

我们已经建立的平衡 我的案子 你的案子 我们的案子

5. No, no, print it full cases, and any cases that cite to those cases.

不是 全打印出来 整个案子 还有其他引用过这些案子的案例

6. I found the case. I found the case. I found the case.

我找到箱子了 我找到箱子了

7. This is not your case. It's the client's case.

这不是你的案子 是客户的案子

8. Your case has nothing to do with our case.


9. Or not, as the case may be, which is not the case.

或者不吧 视情况而定 但那不是问题

10. But I don't do capital cases, that's what your case is.

但我不做死刑案 而你的案件是死刑案
