
philharmonic怎么读: 音标[.filɑ:'mɒnik]
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◎ philharmonic是什么意思

a. 爱好音乐的, 交响乐团的, 爱乐团体的
n. 音乐爱好者, 音乐协会, 音乐会, 交响乐团

a. composing or characteristic of an orchestral group
s. devoted to or appreciative of music


1. Are you kidding? I love the philharmonic.

开什么玩笑 我大爱交响乐团

2. I have tickets to the philharmonic this saturday.


3. Okay, when my cousin got promoted to first flute at the philharmonic, she dropped all her old friends.

我表姐在交响乐团被提升为 第一长笛后 她抛弃了所有的旧朋友
