
nutcracker怎么读: 音标['nʌt.krækә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ nutcracker是什么意思

n. 轧碎坚果的钳子, 星鸦

n. a compound lever used to crack nuts open
n. speckled birds that feed on nuts


1. I warn you, I was in the nutcracker suite.

我警告你 我以前跳过《胡桃夹子》[破蛋蛋者]

2. I'm the only nutcracker in the entire kingdom.


3. Thighs like a nutcracker, and I was his walnut.

大腿跟胡桃钳子一样硬 我就是他的胡桃

4. There's a machine gun built into the wooden hand of this nutcracker here.

这个胡桃夹子的木头手里面 有一把机械枪

5. Well, your father will have my balls in a nutcracker if he thinks I'm employing you.

你父亲要是认为我雇了你 会捏碎我的蛋蛋

6. I'm gonna show you to the even bigger nutcrackers around the corner.

我带你们看看 这边更大的胡桃夹子

7. It may take a young chimp up to a decade to perfect the skills it needs for nutcracking.

一只年轻的黑猩猩也许得花上十年 才能熟练掌握开坚果的技巧
